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Podcasts & Appearances

Podcasts & Appearances

Podcasts & Appearances

Podcasts & Appearances

Explore our latest podcasts and expert appearances to stay informed and inspired in the world of healthcare innovation.

Explore our latest podcasts and expert appearances to stay informed and inspired in the world of healthcare innovation.

Explore our latest podcasts and expert appearances to stay informed and inspired in the world of healthcare innovation.

Explore our latest podcasts and expert appearances to stay informed and inspired in the world of healthcare innovation.


RARE Daily

Mapping Spheres of Influence

Daniel Levine spoke to Sandra Shpilberg, co-founder and CEO of Adnexi, about the role KOLs and DOLs play, how Adnexi identifies and measures their influence, and what companies need to consider when engaging them.


VibeCast Episode

Mother-Son Duo Offer Biopharma KOL Mapping

In this episode, VibeCast host Ray Dogum speaks with Sandra Shpilberg, Co-founder and CEO of Adnexi, about using AI to develop effective strategies for biopharma key expert and digital opinion leader selection to elevate your product launch.


Latinx in Power

Healthcare Entrepreneurship

LatinX in Power explores Sandra Shpilberg’s journey as an entrepreneur and delves into the experiences that led her to focus on healthcare. What sets Sandra apart is her unique approach to business that incorporates her passions for inner discovery and mindset hacking.


Entrepreneurship Education

How I started Adnexi | Finding BioPharma Key Opinion Leaders | Developing relationships

In this interview from the Entrepreneurship Education series, Sandra Shpilberg discusses how she started Adnexi and what she has learned in the process.


RARE Daily

Mapping Spheres of Influence

Daniel Levine spoke to Sandra Shpilberg, co-founder and CEO of Adnexi, about the role KOLs and DOLs play, how Adnexi identifies and measures their influence, and what companies need to consider when engaging them.


VibeCast Episode

Mother-Son Duo Offer Biopharma KOL Mapping

In this episode, VibeCast host Ray Dogum speaks with Sandra Shpilberg, Co-founder and CEO of Adnexi, about using AI to develop effective strategies for biopharma key expert and digital opinion leader selection to elevate your product launch.


Latinx in Power

Healthcare Entrepreneurship

LatinX in Power explores Sandra Shpilberg’s journey as an entrepreneur and delves into the experiences that led her to focus on healthcare. What sets Sandra apart is her unique approach to business that incorporates her passions for inner discovery and mindset hacking.


Entrepreneurship Education

How I started Adnexi | Finding BioPharma Key Opinion Leaders | Developing relationships

In this interview from the Entrepreneurship Education series, Sandra Shpilberg discusses how she started Adnexi and what she has learned in the process.


RARE Daily

Mapping Spheres of Influence

Daniel Levine spoke to Sandra Shpilberg, co-founder and CEO of Adnexi, about the role KOLs and DOLs play, how Adnexi identifies and measures their influence, and what companies need to consider when engaging them.


VibeCast Episode

Mother-Son Duo Offer Biopharma KOL Mapping

In this episode, VibeCast host Ray Dogum speaks with Sandra Shpilberg, Co-founder and CEO of Adnexi, about using AI to develop effective strategies for biopharma key expert and digital opinion leader selection to elevate your product launch.


Latinx in Power

Healthcare Entrepreneurship

LatinX in Power explores Sandra Shpilberg’s journey as an entrepreneur and delves into the experiences that led her to focus on healthcare. What sets Sandra apart is her unique approach to business that incorporates her passions for inner discovery and mindset hacking.


Entrepreneurship Education

How I started Adnexi | Finding BioPharma Key Opinion Leaders | Developing relationships

In this interview from the Entrepreneurship Education series, Sandra Shpilberg discusses how she started Adnexi and what she has learned in the process.


RARE Daily

Mapping Spheres of Influence

Daniel Levine spoke to Sandra Shpilberg, co-founder and CEO of Adnexi, about the role KOLs and DOLs play, how Adnexi identifies and measures their influence, and what companies need to consider when engaging them.


VibeCast Episode

Mother-Son Duo Offer Biopharma KOL Mapping

In this episode, VibeCast host Ray Dogum speaks with Sandra Shpilberg, Co-founder and CEO of Adnexi, about using AI to develop effective strategies for biopharma key expert and digital opinion leader selection to elevate your product launch.


Latinx in Power

Healthcare Entrepreneurship

LatinX in Power explores Sandra Shpilberg’s journey as an entrepreneur and delves into the experiences that led her to focus on healthcare. What sets Sandra apart is her unique approach to business that incorporates her passions for inner discovery and mindset hacking.


Entrepreneurship Education

How I started Adnexi | Finding BioPharma Key Opinion Leaders | Developing relationships

In this interview from the Entrepreneurship Education series, Sandra Shpilberg discusses how she started Adnexi and what she has learned in the process.

Ready to Accelerate ⚡
Clinical Trial Enrollment?

Fill out the contact form, and our team will reach out to schedule a meeting.

© 2025 Adnexi All rights reserved.

Project: Tolv Studio

Ready to Accelerate ⚡
Clinical Trial Enrollment?

Fill out the contact form, and our team will reach out to schedule a meeting.

© 2025 Adnexi All rights reserved.

Project: Tolv Studio

Ready to Accelerate ⚡
Clinical Trial Enrollment?

Fill out the contact form, and our team will reach out to schedule a meeting.

© 2025 Adnexi All rights reserved.

Project: Tolv Studio

Ready to Accelerate ⚡
Clinical Trial Enrollment?

Fill out the contact form, and our team will reach out to schedule a meeting.

© 2025 Adnexi All rights reserved.

Project: Tolv Studio